The .eslintrc.js config file should be this like below. given that "prettier/react" and "prettier/@typescript/recommended" have been added to the recent versions of prettier hence they should be removed from extends array in the config.

module.exports = {

extends: [








plugins: ["react", "@typescript-eslint", "jest"],

env: {

browser: true,

es6: true,

jest: true,


globals: {

Atomics: "readonly",

SharedArrayBuffer: "readonly",


parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",

parserOptions: {

ecmaFeatures: {

jsx: true,


ecmaVersion: 2018,

sourceType: "module",

project: "./tsconfig.json",


rules: {

"linebreak-style": "off",

"@typescript-eslint/camelcase": "off",

"prettier/prettier": [



endOfLine: "auto",





